Answer: Prescription
If you want to claim money due to you, or the return of your goods, or damage to your property, then you only have 3 years in which to make a claim. The most usual scenario is when a friend or member of your family owes you money and constantly promises to pay you back. One day you decide you’ve had enough and now you want to do something about it. You make an appointment with an attorney and you hear the bad news: “prescription”.
“Prescription” is when the deadline to make your claim, has passed.
Don’t let this happen to you. Take action.
Another scenario, one of the very worst, is when you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident and you want to claim against the Road Accident Fund. You appoint an attorney to take the case, but the attorney loses your file or misses the deadline. Don’t hesitate to remind your attorney of the deadline.
At Neilsons Attorneys we can assist you with recovering debts.
Wat Laat ‘N Prokureur Sweet Van Angs?
Antwoord: Verjaring van ‘n eis
Indien jy geld wil eis wat aan jou verskulding is, of skade aan jou eiendom wil eis, of die teruggawe van jou goedere, dan het jy slegs 3 jaar waarbinne jy daardie eis kan instel. Die mees algemene geval is waar ‘n vriend of ‘n familielid jou geld skuld en gedurig belowe om terug te betaal elke keer wanneer jy vra. Eendag besluit jy dat jy genoeg gehad het en jy wil nou iets daaraan doen om jou goedere of geld terug te kry. Jy maak ‘n afspraak met ‘n prokureur en jy hoor die slegte nuus: “verjaring”.
“Verjaring” is wanneer die sperdatum waarbinne jy die eis kon instel, verby is.
Moenie dat dit met jou gebeur nie. Neem betyds aksie.
Gaan spreek ‘n prokureur onmiddellik wanneer jy wil verhoed dat ‘n sperdatum verbygaan. Beter nog, gaan sien ‘n prokureur wanneer jy die geld of die goedere leen, sodat die prokureur vir jou ‘n baie goeie skulderkenning of ander wetlike dokument kan opstel om jou regte te beskerm.
Neilsons Prokureurs kan u met al bogenoemde behulpsaam wees.